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5. What do we know about the history of Goa?


Here is a brief timeline of the prominent events in the history of Goa:

200 BC    Goa is a part of the Mauryan empire of Emperor Ashoka the Great. 
400 AD    The Kadambas establish their rule over Goa. 
1380-1454    Goa under the Hindu Vijaynagar empire. 
1469    Capture of Goa by the Muslim Bahmani king, Muhammad Shah II. 
1454-1471    Goa ruled by the Bankapur chiefs. 
1488    Goa captured by Sultan Yusuf Adil Shah of Bijapur. 
1471-1489    Goa ruled by Adil Shah, the Sultan of Bijapur. 
1498    Vasco da Gama discovers the sea route to India, lands at Calicut. 
1489-1510    Goa continues to be ruled by Yusuf Adil Shah of Bijapur. 
1510    On November 25th Alfonso de Albuquerque captures Goa. 
1515    Portuguese successfully defend Goa against Ismail Adil Shah. 
1524    Dom Vasco da Gama becomes the Viceroy of Goa, dies at Calicut  in the same year. 
1534    The Portuguese occupy Diu. 
1540    The Society of Jesus is formed. 
1542    Arrival of St. Francis Xavier at Goa. 
1543-1783    Portuguese acquire Bardez and Salcette from Adil Shah. 
1552    Death of St. Francis Xavier in the island of Sancian off the coast of China. 
1554    The incorrupt body of St. Francis Xavier arrives at Goa, its final destination. 
1556    The printing press begins functioning at Goa. 
1557    The Archdiocese of Goa is established. 
1560    Goa's first Archbishop Dom Caspar Leao Pereira assumes office. 
1560       The dreaded Inquisition arrives to Goa. 
1561    The Portuguese invade Daman. 
1570    Siege of Goa by Adil Shah. 
1622    Pope Gregory XV canonizes St. Francis Xavier. 
1623    Pope Gregory XV permits Hindu Brahmin converts to retain caste. 
1639    The Dutch attack Goa. 
1642    Treaty between England and Portugal established. 
1683    Attack on Goa by Marathas under Sambhaji, son of Shivaji. 
1695    The Portuguese Viceroy moves out of the city of Velha Goa. 
1739    The Marathas attack Goa. 
1741    The Marathas and the Bhonsles defeated by Portuguese forces. 
1749    Expulsion of the Jesuits by the Portuguese. 
1759    The Portuguese Viceroy takes up residence in Panjim. The Portuguese make peace with the Marathas. The Jesuits are evicted from Goa. 
1763    Acquisition of New Conquests by the Portuguese begins. 
1794    The Portuguese acquire Canacona. 
1778    The Portuguese acquire Pernem. 
1783    Portuguese annex Pernem. 
1787    The "Pinto" revolt fails.  
1788-1799    The Portuguese rule is extended over present day Goa. 
1797    Occupation of Goa by the British Army. 
1812    The dreaded Inquisition is finally abolished in Goa. 
1813    Withdrawal of the British Army. 
1821    Goa represented in the Portuguese parliament. 
1835    A revolt by Bernardo Peres de Silva, 1st ethnic Governor of Goa fails. 
1842    Escola Medico Cirugao de Goa established at Panjim. 
1843    Panjim named "Nova Goa" and declared capital of Goa. 
1881    Commencement of railway building in Goa. 
1900    Goa's first Portuguese daily-"O 'Heraldo" begins circulation. 
1905    Development of iron and manganese ore mines in Goa. 
1910    The Portuguese monarchy ends. 
1926    Dictator, Dr. Antonio Salazar takes over power in Portugal. 
1946    Satyagraha by Ram Manohar Lohia at Margao. 
1954    Liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. 
1961    Operation Vijay - 9th -19th December- Goa's liberation by Indian Armed Forces. 19th December is celebrated as Goa Liberation Day. Major General Candeth appointed Military Governor of Goa. 
1962    Goa incorporated into the Indian Union. Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu formed. 
1964    First elections to the House of Assembly in Goa. Dayanand Bandodkar becomes Goa's first Chief Minister. 
1967    Historic opinion poll. Opinion poll unanimous to keep Goa and Goan identity separate. 
1962-1987    Goa is a Union territory together with Daman and Diu. 
1987    August 12th, Goa gained statehood becoming India's 25th state. May 30 is celebrated as Goa statehood day
1992    Konkani is added to the schedule of the Indian Constitution




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